Court indicts Brazão brothers defendants for murder of Marielle Franco

There is no set deadline for the criminal trial

Published on 19/06/2024 - 10:10 By André Richter - Agência Brasil - Brasília

Unanimously, the justices of the First Panel of Brazil's Federal Supreme Court decided on Tuesday (Jun. 18) to indict five defendants accused of involvement in the 2018 murder of councilwoman Marielle Franco and her driver Anderson Gomes.

Justices Flávio Dino, Cristiano Zanin, Luiz Fux, Cármen Lúcia, and the rapporteur, Alexandre de Moraes, voted in favor.

The panel voted unanimously to indict Domingos Brazão, a member of the Rio de Janeiro Court of Auditors; his brother Chiquinho Brazão, a federal representative from Rio de Janeiro; the former head of the Rio de Janeiro Civil Police, Rivaldo Barbosa; and Military Police Major Ronald Paulo de Alves Pereira, for murder and criminal organization. All are currently in custody.

Robson Calixto Fonseca, known as Peixe, will only be charged with criminal organization. He was a former aide to Domingos Brazão at the court and is accused of supplying the weapon used in the crime.

Criminal proceedings

Based on this decision, the accused will now face criminal charges in the Supreme Court. Following the testimony of witnesses for both the prosecution and defense, the defendants could be either convicted or acquitted. There is no set deadline for the trial.

Alexandre de Moraes cast the deciding vote in the trial. The justice considered there was "strong corroborating evidence" in Ronnie Lessa's testimony against the defendants. Lessa confessed to firing the shots that killed Franco and Gomes.

Moraes also stated that the complaint is based on documents, statements, and other evidence, in addition to the accusation. "There is proof of materiality, as well as several indications that have supported the plea bargain," he said.

During the trial, the Attorney General's Office reinforced the charges against the accused.

Deputy Prosecutor Luiz Augusto Santos Lima accused the Brazão brothers of being part of a criminal organization, having ties to the militia operating in Rio das Pedras, Rio de Janeiro, and being involved in land grabbing in the capital's western region.

According to the representative of the Attorney General's Office, Brazão decided to order the councilwoman's execution after encountering resistance from her and her party, Psol, to pass bills in the city council aimed at regularizing land of interest to the group.

The prosecutor's office also stated that the brothers called in Rivaldo Barbosa to assist in the murder, and Major Pereira monitored the councilwoman's movements before the crime.

The defendants' defense also spoke out, rejecting the charges.

Translation: Mario Nunes Júnior -  Edition: Aline Leal

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