Últimas notícias Anderson Gomes

Caso Marielle Franco - Domingos Brazão, seu irmão Chiquinho Brazão e Rivaldo Barbosa. Os três foram presos por forte envolvimento com o assassinato de Marielle Franco Foto: Alerj, ABr e Câmara Deputados

Court indicts Brazão brothers defendants for murder of Marielle Franco

Deputy Prosecutor Luiz Lima accused the Brazão brothers of being part of a criminal organization, having ties to the militia operating in Rio das Pedras, Rio de Janeiro.

Rio de Janeiro (RJ), 14/03/2024 – Ato por Justiça marca os seis anos do assassinato de Marielle Franco, no centro do Rio de Janeiro. Foto: Tomaz Silva/Agência Brasil
Human Rights

Six years after murder, institute keeps Marielle Franco’s legacy alive

“The institute brings history back to life. […] The whole world wants to know who and why Marielle was killed,” Marinete da Silva, the councilwoman’s mother and founding adviser of the Marielle Franco Institute, told Agência Brasil.

Marielle Franco, vereadora do PSOL na Câmara do Rio de Janeiro que foi assassinada

Murder of Rio councilor Marielle Franco still unsolved five years on

Probes have led to the arrest of two perpetrators, both military police officers. The motives and the mastermind behind the killings remain unknown. Rio prosecutors vowed not to reach “a hasty conclusion.”

Marielle Franco, vereadora do PSOL na Câmara do Rio de Janeiro que foi assassinada

Judge upholds trial by jury for man accused of killing Franco

Judge Schietti, of the Superior Court of Justice, did not accept the request, having considered that the decision to send the case to jury was fully justified.

O delegado da Polícia de Homicídios da Capital, Giniton Lages fala à imprensa sobre o caso Marielle Franco e Anderson Gomes no Palácio Guanabara, zona sul do Rio de Janeiro

Marielle Franco’s case will have second phase of probes, police say

Police Commissioner Giniton Lages, head of Rio de Janeiro’s homicide division, said Tuesday (Mar.