Brazilian court launches book and documentary on January 8 attacks | Agência Brasil
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Brazilian court launches book and documentary on January 8 attacks

Unseen footage of coup plotters storming the building is disclosed
Agência Brasil - Brasília
Published on 31/08/2023 - 10:11
Agência Brasil - Brasília
Brasília, (DF) – 30-08-2023 - A presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), Rosa Weber, lança livro e documentário sobre os atos antidemocráticos ocorridos em 8 de janeiro de 2023. Foto Valter Campanato/EBC.
© Valter Campanato/Agência Brasil

The Brazilian Federal Supreme Court has unveiled a book and documentary titled "Democracia Inabalada" (Unshaken Democracy) about the events of the January 8 pro-coup attacks. The documentary features previously unreleased footage capturing the security teams' efforts to repel the invaders who breached the court's headquarters, along with testimonies from the justices on the attacks.

The justices shared their impressions and the measures taken to ensure that those responsible faced consequences. Security personnel who were on duty at the time describe their actions upon realizing that the building was being invaded, while outsourced employees recount their efforts in cleaning up the debris found the day after the attacks.

Manifestantes invadem Congresso, STF e Palácio do Planalto.
January 8 pro-coup attacks - Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

A preview of the documentary was presented to the court's justices on Wednesday (Aug. 30), with the full film scheduled for broadcast on TV Justiça on September 3.

The Supreme Court's headquarters is a designated National Historical and Artistic Heritage (Iphan) site and houses artworks by artist Alfredo Ceschiatti and panels by Athos Bulcão.

During the attacks, the building's façade suffered shattered glass and graffiti. The plenary hall was completely devastated, with chairs, benches, artworks, electronic security systems, and fire prevention systems all vandalized by the criminals.

Most of the plenary's restoration work was completed by February 1 when the justices held their first trial session following the destruction.

According to a survey conducted by the Federal Attorney General's Office, the damage caused to the Supreme Court amounted to approximately BRL 11 million.

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