Killers of Marielle Franco sentenced six years after murder

The confessed murderers of councilwoman Marielle Franco and her driver Anderson Gomes—former military police officers Ronnie Lessa and Élcio de Queiroz—were sentenced Thursday (Oct. 31) by a jury court in Rio de Janeiro. Ronnie Lessa received a prison sentence of 78 years, nine months, and 30 days. Élcio de Queiroz received 59 years, eight months, and 10 days.
The jury found them guilty of three crimes: double homicide aggravated by a vile motive, ambush, and hindering the victim’s defense; attempted murder against Fernanda Chaves (Franco’s aide); and receiving the vehicle used in the crime. Franco and her driver were murdered on March 14, 2018.
The two defendants were also ordered to pay alimony to Gomes’ son Arthur until he turns 24 and together to pay BRL 706 thousand in compensation for moral damage to each of the victims: his son Arthur and his wife Ághata; as well as Franco’s relatives: her daughter Luyara, her wife Mônica, and her mother Marinete.
While reading out the sentence, Judge Lúcia Glioche stressed that no conviction would suffice to reassure the families, adding, however it was an important response to the prospect of impunity for criminals.
“Justice is sometimes slow, it’s blind, it’s dumb, it’s unfair, it’s wrong, it’s crooked. But it comes. Even for defendants who think they will never be affected. Justice reaches the guilty and takes away their most important asset after life—freedom,” she declared.
Ronnie Lessa and Élcio de Queiroz have been in prison since March 12, 2019, and signed a plea bargain deal. The individuals accused of ordering the crimes are brothers Chiquinho and Domingos Brazão, who are advisers to the State Audit Court and a federal representative, respectively. Representative Rivaldo Barbosa, head of Rio’s Civil Police at the time of the crime, is accused of hindering investigations. The three have been detained since March 24 this year.
Defendants in the case also include former military policeman Robson Calixto, Domingos Brazão’s former advisor, who allegedly helped him get rid of the murder weapon; and Major Ronald Paulo Alves Pereira, said to have monitored Franco’s routine.
According to investigators, Marielle Franco’s murder was motivated by land issues and militia, or paramilitary, groups. A disagreement arose between Franco and the political group of then councillor Chiquinho Brazão over a 2016 bill that sought to create an official condominium in western Rio.