Campos to be buried in his grandfather’s grave

Eduardo Campos and his grandfather Miguel Arraes
The dead body of former presidential candidate Eduardo Campos, who was killed on Wednesday (Aug 13) in a plane crash, will be buried in Recife, the state capital of Pernambuco, in the same grave as his grandfather Miguel Arraes, who was one of the state’s most popular leaders in the 50’s and 60’s. Arraes was persecuted by the military after the 1964 coup, lived in Algeria as an exile for over 15 years. He too died on August 13, nine years ago. So far, no date has been fixed for Campos’s burial, but, according to family members, his wake will be held at the Palácio do Campo das Princesas (Palace of the Princesses’ Field), the seat of the state government, of which Campos was the head for two terms.
The atmosphere in Recife is marked by deep sorrow. The façade of the headquarters of Campos’s campaign committee was seen early this morning to be covered in black banners as a symbol of mourning. Since his death was confirmed, friends, coreligionists and politicians have extended their condolences to his family.
Eduardo Campos was married and had five children, the youngest of whom only seven months old. His mother, Ana Arraes, has also been a federal deputy, and is currently a minister at the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts.
Translated by Fabrício Ferreira
Fonte: Campos to be buried in his grandfather’s grave