Death of presidential candidate halts electoral campaigning

Eduardo Campos
The death of presidential candidate Eduardo Campos has appalled all of his fellow politicians. Campos was a member of the Brazilian Socialist Party (“PBS”) and died in a crash involving Cessna 560XL this morning (Aug 13).
President Dilma Rousseff, who is running for re-election, has canceled the appointments in her campaign schedule for three days. She received the news at the Palácio da Alvorada, the president’s residence, where she spent the morning. Also, according to her press office, she is expected to make a statement on the matter late this afternoon.
Opposition candidate Aécio Neves, from the Brazilian Social Democracy Party ("PSDB") also called off his electoral campaign, and should likewise travel to Santos, the coastal town where the accident took place. He learned about Campos’s death shortly after landing in Natal, where he was to keep his appointments for the day.
“It is with great sadness that I received the news of the accident that victimized former governor and friend Eduardo Campos. Brazil has lost one of his most talented politicians, who has always fought with idealism for his beliefs. This is an irreparable and incomprehensible loss. At this moment, my family and I unite in prayer for Eduardo’s family, his friends and the millions of Brazilians who surely partake in the same perplexity and grief,” Neves said.
The presidential candidate from the Green Party (“PV”), Eduardo Jorge, also released a note announcing his grief over the incident. “PV’s presidential campaign for the next few days is suspended. This loss is very sad for the country. Eduardo Campos was a very young and very important leading figure for Brazil,” he noted.
Translated by Fabrício Ferreira
Fonte: Death of presidential candidate halts electoral campaigning