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Senate voting on motion for Rousseff trial to take place today

The meeting of the Senate Special Committee on Impeachment is expected
Mariana Jungmann reports from Agência Brasil
Published on 06/05/2016 - 08:46
Brasília - Relator Antonio Anastasia lê o relatório na Comissão Especial do Impeachment no Senado sobre possível afastamento da presidenta Dilma Rousseff  (Fabio Rodrigues Pozzebom/Agência Brasil)
© Fabio Rodrigues Pozzebom/Agência Brasil
Brasília - O relator Antonio Anastasia e o presidente da Comissão Especial do Impeachment, senador Raimundo Lira, durante reunião para discutir o parecer sobre o possível afastamento da presidenta Dilma Rousseff (An

Senators Antonio Anastasia, rapporteur, and Raimundo Lira, head of the Special Committee on Impeachment, during the meeting that discussed the rapporteur's recommendation to put Rousseff on trial and suspend her from officeAntonio Cruz/Agência Brasil

The session of the Special Committee on Impeachment in Brazil's Senate that will vote on rapporteur Senator Antonio Anastasia's recommendation to try the impeachment case against President Dilma Rousseff takes place this Friday (May 6).

The meeting will start in the morning with party leader addresses—they will be allowed five minutes each to argue their position and instruct their parties on the vote. A total ten leaders will be entitled to speak. Then the committee will proceed to the electronic voting.

The committee meeting is expected to continue into the afternoon. The outcome will be published to the senate record. Senate president Renan Calheiros has announced he will read out the committee's decision on the Senate floor on Monday (9). If the rapporteur's recommendation to try the case is approved, Calheiros will have to set the date of the floor voting on President Rousseff's suspension from office within 48 hours of the reading.

Translated by Mayra Borges

Fonte: Senate voting on motion for Rousseff trial to take place today

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