Últimas notícias vote

O  presidente da Câmara dos Deputados , Rodrigo Maia, durante sessão para análise de emendas à Reforma no plenário da Câmara dos Deputados

Brazil lower house starts second-round vote on pension reform

The Brazilian lower house is starting the plenary session with the second round of vote on the pension reform today (Aug 6). As was the case with the first round, 308 votes are necessary for the matter to advance to the Senate, where two other votes will be held.

O relator, deputado Samuel Moreira, na Comissão Especial da Reforma da Previdência durante reunião da comissão destinada a apresentar voto complementar ao seu parecer divulgado no dia 13 de junho.

Brazil’s pension reform brought to lower house floor

A plenary session at the Brazilian lower house, the Chamber of Deputies, is set to start discussing the constitutional amendment bill on the overhaul in the country’s pension system today (Jul 9).


Front-runner Bolsonaro has campaign riddled with controversy

Since before electoral campaigns started this year—with former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of the Workers’ Party (PT) out of the race—former parachute infantryman Jair Messias Bolsonaro, of the PSL-PRTB coalition (Social Liberal Party and the Brazilian Labor Renewal Pa


Some 7 thousand Brazilians to vote Sunday in Argentina

Brazilian voting machines are being set up in Argentina, where some 7 thousand Brazilian electors are eligible to vote—most of them (6,210) in the capital Buenos Aires. The machines will be tested on Friday (Oct. 5) and Saturday (6), the day before the elections in Brazil.

Eleições 2º turno, a deficiente visual, Danielle Parrela Mendes , votando (Valter Campanato/Agência Brasil)
Human Rights

First women to vote in Brazil were transgressors

Before the first Brazilian Electoral Code was established in 1932, which allowed women to vote, some transgressors stood up for this right, according to Fátima Jordão, sociologist, founder and adviser of the Patrícia Galvão Institute. She attended a panel this Tuesday (Mar.