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In Brazil, date set to elect new house speaker

To end Eduardo Cunha's term of office, the new speaker will chair the
Luciano Nascimento reports from Agência Brasil
Published on 07/07/2016 - 18:01
Brasília - Waldir Maranhão preside sessão extraordinária da Câmara para analisar a Medida Provisória do Setor Aéreo, que permite ao investidor estrangeiro participar com até 49% do capital social com direito a voto nas empresas aéreas
© Fabio Rodrigues Pozzebom/Agência Brasil
Brasília - Waldir Maranhão preside sessão extraordinária da Câmara para analisar a Medida Provisória do Setor Aéreo, que permite ao investidor estrangeiro participar com até 49% (Fabio Rodrigues Pozzebom/Agência Brasil)

The next lower house speaker shall chair the house only until February, 2017, when a new speaker will be elected.Fabio Rodrigues Pozzebom/Agência Brasil

The acting speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Waldir Maranhão, summoned a special session for next Thursday (Jul. 14), to elect the new speaker of the house.

Candidates shall submit their applications until July, 14, at 12 pm.

They had to speed up proceedings to elect the new chairman of the house because of Eduardo Cunha's resignation today (7). This Thursday late afternoon, a meeting with party leaders will discuss the transition process.

The next lower house speaker shall chair the house only until February, 2017, when a new speaker will be elected.

Translated by Amarílis Anchieta

Fonte: In Brazil, date set to elect new house speaker