Judge Moro says deputies approved "midnight amendments"

Senate's President Renan Calheiros (L) and federal judge Sergio Moro (R) discuss bill on abuse of power
Federal judge Sergio Moro criticized the text of the anti-corruption bill, approved by the Chamber of Deputies in the early hours of Wednesday (Nov. 30). Moro said the deputies have approved "midnight amendments" when added the criminalization of judges and prosecutors without any deliberation or evaluation of the society.
The approved text had 12 amendments to Deputy Onyx Lorenzoni's report, which were all approved by the deputies who passed the bill at the Senate.
"I am really not trying to censure the Chamber [of Deputies], but criminalizing judges and prosecutors is a matter for wider debate and careful observation by the parliament. These midnight amendments, without initiating a detailed and in-depth discussion with society, are not appropriate, to deal with such complex issues," he said.
In the opinion of the judge who is in charge of Operation Car Wash case, the text passed in the Chamber of Deputies undermines the independence of judges and the autonomy of the Public Prosecution Office. He also regretted that several measures proposed by the office in the original bill were not included in the final text, while others measures that had not been further discussed with society have been included.
"Several of these measures that are not so controversial and had been approved and recommended by institutes in UN conventions on organized crime and corruption were not included," he said.
This Thursday (1), Moro attended Senate's special session on the bill that alters the text of the Abuse of Power Law.
*With additional reporting by Mariana Jungmann
Translated by Amarílis Anchieta
Fonte: Judge Moro says deputies approved "midnight amendments"