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Spain to further support Mercosur-EU deal, Rajoy says

The Spanish prime minister said Spain will further consider the matter
Pedro Peduzzi and Yara Aquino report from Agência Brasil
Published on 24/04/2017 - 15:57
Brasília - Cerimônia Oficial de Chegada do presidente do Governo da Espanha, Mariano Rajoy. (Beto Barata/PR)
© Beto Barata/Pr
Brasília - O presidente Michel Temer recebe o presidente do Governo da Espanha, Mariano Rajoy, em cerimônia de boas-vindas, no Palácio do Planalto.(Antonio Cruz/Agência Brasil)

Rajoy complimented the Brazilian president for the reforms, noting that “the gravity of public matters is always rewarded in the medium run"Antonio Cruz/ Agência Brasil

Brazil and Spain are convinced of the need to advance relations between Mercosur and the European Union (EU). The heads of government of the two countries said they will work to bring the two blocs closer together. “Spain will remain an evaluator of this deal,” said Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, after a meeting with Brazilian President Michel Temer in Brasília on Monday (Apr. 24).

The situation in Venezuela, a member of Mercosur, where protests both for and against Nicolás Maduro's administration have led to conflicts, was also mentioned. “The situation in this brother-country deeply worries us,” said Rajoy, who believes the solution to the Venezuela issue must inevitably entail “giving the people their voice back, as they are the source of national sovereignty.”

Brazil and Spain forged deals in the fields of development, economy and trade, infrastructure, transport, water resources, and diplomacy.

“This act represents a third major moment for Spanish investments in our country,” Temer said during the meeting. He and Rajoy highlighted the importance of structural reforms in the two countries.


The Brazilian president compared the situation in both countries concerning the implementation of overhauls. “Today, we're modernizing Brazil's labor legislation and reforming social security. These are issues recently addressed by Spain. Rajoy made comments on the natural difficulties he faced, including protests, but, he said, the difficulties made Spain rise again with an extraordinary power in the economy and the fight against unemployment. Today, he is praised by all people of Spain, bearing in mind the overhaul he implemented over time,” Temer said.

In his address, Rajoy complimented the Brazilian president for the reforms, noting that “the gravity of public matters is always rewarded in the medium run. The creation of the appropriate landmark for the private enterprise to flourish with predictable legal security, coupled with the sustainability in public accounts, is the key to make our societies grow,” he said.

Also in the Spanish prime minister's view, “the Brazilian government has a number of ambitious plans for its economy in keeping with its immense potential, and I'm convinced that this is an opportunity for increasing the presence of Spanish companies in the country and optimize our trade.”

Translated by Fabrício Ferreira

Fonte: Spain to further support Mercosur-EU deal, Rajoy says