Temer: Electoral court's decision unbiased

Alexandre Parola, spokesman for the president, said Temer will accept the decision with “sobriety, humbleness, and respect.”
President Michel Temer said that the decision made by Brazil's Superior Electoral Court (TSE) of not annulling Rousseff and Temer's 2014 winning presidential ticket was made “in an independent manner” after a debate in which justice prevailed “fully and absolutely.” Alexandre Parola, spokesman for the president, said Temer will accept the decision with “sobriety, humbleness, and respect.”
In a statement to the press, Parola said the result of the trial is a sign that the Brazilian institutions “continue to ensure that the Brazilian democracy functions well.” The presidency, he went on to say, will continue to work in partnership with Congress with a view of bringing the country “back to the path of development and growth.”
Translated by Fabrício Ferreira
Fonte: Temer: Electoral court's decision unbiased