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Chairing CPLP, Brazil promotes sustainable development

In Cape Verde, President Temer will hand over his post to the host cou
Agência Brasil
Published on 17/07/2018 - 16:08

Brazilian President Michel Temer is to take part in the 12th Conference of Heads of State and Government of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries—CPLP in the original Portuguese—in Cape Verde, which begins today and lasts up to Wednesday (Jul. 18).

Brazil’s term as chair of CPLP began on November 1, 2016, with the topic CPLP and the 2013 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


Under Brazil’s administration, three deals were signed for bringing into operation the New Strategic Vision—the resolution for reinforcing the cooperation between CPLP and the observers linked to the Action Plan of Dili, aimed at the strategic spread of the Portuguese language.

Brazil’s Ministry of Education organized events on professional education, school food, adult education, and Portuguese language teaching.

The country’s Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation, and Communication, experts from CPLP member nations held a workshop entitled Science and Technology Applied to Actions for Mitigating Greenhouse Emissions.


Thirteen ministerial meetings were held in Brazil, in addition to gatherings attended by experts and authorities in such fields as health, education, culture, digital government, and environment.

The first of them took place in May, 2017, in Salvador, with CPLP culture ministers. Later on, the 2nd Extraordinary Meeting of Food and Nutrition Security Council and the Conference of Justice Ministers were held in June, in Brasília.

Last year, in Brasília, the 9th Meeting of Tourism Ministers and then the 4th Meeting of Ministers for Gender Equality were held in October. The 2nd Meeting of Energy Ministers was held in November, in Foz do Iguaçu, in Paraná, south Brazil.

In March 2018, the 3rd Meeting of Trade Ministers was held in Brasília, followed by the 10th Meeting of Education Ministers in Salvador, then the 7th Meeting of Environment Ministers and Water Authorities, in Brasília.

Last month, ministers for science, technology, and higher education met in Brasília. On July 20, the 22nd Ordinary Meeting Council of Ministers will take place.


Created in 1996, CPLP is made up of nine countries: Brazil, Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Mozambique, Portugal, São Tomé and Príncipe, and East Timor.

In addition to the member states, the community is joined by associated countries that do not have Portuguese as their main language, and occupy forum seats to discuss development and cooperation projects. Associated countries include Mauritius, Senegal, Georgia, Japan, Namibia, Turkey, Slovakia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Uruguay. Nine others are pending approval.

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