Chamber begins analysis of the PEC of the Printed Vote

The Chamber's Plenary has just started the analysis of the Constitution Amendment Proposal 135/19, which makes the printed vote mandatory. Voting began after voting on the request that requested the break of the interval of two sessions after the publication of the opinion of the special committee to include the PEC in the Agenda, as provided for in the House's Internal Regulation. The proposal was approved by 292 votes to 43, with one abstention.
The PEC was rejected by a special committee last Friday (6), by 22 votes to 11, but the president of the House, Deputy Arthur Lira (PP-AL), decided to put it to a vote by the plenary . According to the congressman, the opinions of special commissions are not conclusive and the dispute over the topic "has already gone too far".
The deputies will analyze the original text of the PEC, authored by deputy Bia Kicis (PSL-DF). The proposal provides for the printing of “physical ballots that can be checked by the voter” regardless of the means used to register votes in elections, plebiscites and referendums.
If the analysis is maintained in plenary, the PEC of the Printed Vote must be approved by three-fifths of the deputies, corresponding to 308 favorable votes, in two rounds of voting. If rejected by a majority of parliamentarians, the matter will be shelved.
If the proposal is approved by the Chamber, the text goes to the Senate for consideration, where it must also be analyzed in two rounds and depends on the approval of at least 49 senators.
Text translated using artificial intelligence.