Últimas notícias Câmara

A cúpula  maior, voltada para cima, abriga o Plenário da Câmara dos Deputados.

Chamber approves flexibility for servers during pandemic

This measure allows civil and military civil servants in the areas of health and public security to count on the pandemic period to acquire rights.

Plenário da Câmara dos Deputados

Chamber approves reformulation of the National Cooperative Credit System

The project makes the credit unions' capital shares unseizable, which allows, for example, the payment of bonuses and prizes to attract new members.

A cúpula  maior, voltada para cima, abriga o Plenário da Câmara dos Deputados.

Chamber approves new rules for road transport authorization

The project requires that interstate and international passenger transport companies have a minimum share capital of R$ 2 million. Project returns to the Senate.

Brasília - Movimentação nas lotéricas às vésperas do sorteio da Mega-Sena da Virada (Wilson Dias/Agência Brasil)

Chamber approves allocating lottery funds to CBCP

Text shares resources currently allocated to the Brazilian Club Committee. The Brazilian Committee of Paralympic Clubs now has 0.04 percentage point.

Senador Antonio Anastasia é eleito para o TCU

Chamber approves Anastasia's nomination for a vacancy at TCU

The nomination was approved by 322 in favor, 18 against and 8 abstentions. The matter will go to enactment. Anastasia will occupy the vacancy left by Minister Raimundo Carreiro.