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Senate approves legal framework for energy generation from renewable sources

After undergoing changes, text returns to the Chamber
Agência Brasil*
Published on 15/12/2021 - 22:22
Palácio do Congresso Nacional na Esplanada dos Ministérios em Brasília.
Foto: Fabio Rodrigues Pozzebom/Agência Brasil/Arquivo
© Fabio Rodrigues Pozzebom/Agência Brasil/Arquivo

The Senate approved today (15) the project that institutes a legal framework for micro-generation and distributed mini-generation of energy. The bill (PL) deals with the modality that allows consumers to produce their own energy from renewable sources, such as solar photovoltaics, wind, hydroelectric plants and biomass. The text, which originated in the Chamber, returns to the appreciation of the deputies.

The text approved by the Senate assures existing consumer units the continuation, for another 25 years, of the benefits currently granted by the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel). This resolution created the Electric Energy Compensation System. This system determines that the active energy injected per consumer unit with micro-generation or distributed mini-generation is transferred, through a free loan, to the local distributor and subsequently compensated with the consumption of active electricity. The bill sets out the rules that will prevail after 2045 and details what rules will apply during the transition period.

The text approved by the Senate stipulates a transition to the charging of charges and tariffs for the use of distribution systems by micro and mini electricity generators. According to the text, by 2045, the existing micro and mini generators will pay the tariff components only on the difference, if positive, between what is consumed and what is generated and injected into the distribution network, as happens today.

According to the project's rapporteur, Marcos Rogério (DEM-RO), in this system, the consumer unit with distributed micro or mini generation can inject electricity generated but not consumed into the distribution network, and keep an energy credit to be used when its consumption exceeds its generation. He stated that this type of energy generation is present in more than 5,300 municipalities. The number of consumer units participating in the compensation system exceeds 783 thousand and the installed power reached more than 7,136 kilowatts (Kw).

The text returns to the Chamber, the project's original house, as it underwent changes in the Senate. According to Marcos Rogério, the accepted amendments “make the proposition more balanced, in the sense of ensuring that microgeneration and distributed minigeneration continue to expand, increasingly reaching a larger layer of our population, while at the same time making the sharing of costs fairer".

*With information from the Senate Agency

Text translated using artificial intelligence.