Armed Forces to back up security in Brazil elections

Brazil’s Ministry of Defense declared it will support the country’s top electoral court by mobilizing troops in a bid to guarantee the distribution of voting machines and the security of the vote. The first round will take place on October 2.
Troops from the Navy, Army, and Air Force should guard voting zones and help in logistics, including the transportation of personnel to rural, indigenous, and riverside communities.
On Saturday (Sep 17), court head Judge Alexandre de Moraes granted a request from regional electoral courts and authorized the deployment of agents from the Armed Forces in 568 locations across 11 states. The measure was unanimously endorsed at a plenary session Tuesday (20).
Federal troops are engaged when a city reports to electoral authorities it may be unable to ensure the normal course of the election using its local police force.
In the 2018 elections, the military were mobilized in 513 areas across 11 states.