Fighting hunger is a political choice, says Lula at G20 event

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said Wednesday (Jul. 24) that the fight against hunger is a political choice of governments. “Hunger is not just the result of external factors, it is above all the result of political choices. Today the world produces more than enough food to eradicate it. We just need to create the conditions for access to food,” he argued.
“Meanwhile, spending on armaments rose seven percent last year, reaching $2.4 trillion. Reversing this logic is a moral imperative of social justice, but also essential for sustainable development,” he added at the pre-launch of the task force for the Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty, in Rio de Janeiro.
The initiative establishes an international commitment to obtain political support, financial resources, and technical expertise for the implementation of public policies and social technologies proven to be effective in eradicating hunger and poverty across the world. Among the successful efforts are national experiences aimed at the poorest and most vulnerable-such as income transfer, school meals, registration of vulnerable families, support for early childhood, support for family farming, social assistance, women’s leading roles, and socio-economic and productive inclusion.
“Hunger is not something natural; hunger is something that requires a political decision,” the president declared. “It is not possible that, halfway into the 21st century, when we are already discussing artificial intelligence, unable to resort to the natural intelligence that we all have, we are still obliged to hold a discussion telling our political leaders around the world, ‘please look at the poor because they are human beings, they are people and they want to have opportunities’,” the president went on to say.
The alliance is being proposed by Brazil at the G20, and the bloc approved the founding documents of the initiative at the meeting of ministers in Rio de Janeiro, starting the process for countries to join. Any interested country can join the alliance. The official launch will be made official at the G20 Leaders’ Summit in November, also in Rio de Janeiro.