The City of Rio launched today (1st) the campaign “Livre é saber” (Free is to know) to prevent HIV/AIDS through testing. The launch, which marks the World Day to Fight AIDS (1st) and Red December, month of awareness about the infection, was at the Museum of Art in Rio (MAR), with the presence of municipal health secretaries, Daniel Soranz , and Government and Public Integrity, Marcelo Calero, and the Executive Coordinator of Sexual Diversity, Carlos Tufvesson.
The Livre é Saber campaign will continue until next Wednesday (8). According to the city, testing for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is available at family clinics and municipal health centers throughout the year, and treatment is free through the Unified Health System (SUS) . A person diagnosed with HIV/AIDS can lead a healthy life if the infection is under control.
Grupo Pela Vidda-RJ
Also to mark the World Day to Fight AIDS, Grupo Pela Vidda-RJ scheduled an event in Cinelândia, downtown Rio, from 2 pm, on the steps of the City Council. With banners and a red bow that symbolize the struggle, the organizers want to encourage empathy and solidarity from people passing by.
The program also includes guidelines on sexually transmitted infections (STIs), HIV/AIDS and covid-19, and rapid HIV testing with oral fluid and distribution of an HIV self-test is being carried out.
Also to draw attention to the issue, there will be artistic and political interventions against prejudice, for the dignity of those living with HIV and prevention campaigns, information and qualified and universal assistance. The closing is scheduled for 19:00 with the lighting, in red, of the building of the City Hall of Rio de Janeiro.
In addition to today's activities, Grupo Pela Vidda-RJ has scheduled an action on Sunday (5) at Parque Madureira, in the North Zone and the presentation of a video debate on the 5th at 6:00 pm with the award-winning film Carta beyond the walls, at Hotel Atlântico Prime, in the city center.
World AIDS Day was created by the United Nations (UN) on December 1, 1988. The date is a milestone in the fight against HIV and AIDS. In various parts of the world, there are activities and red lighting, symbolizing the renewed commitment to fighting and fighting the disease.
For the general coordinator of Grupo Pela Vidda-RJ, Márcio Villard, after so many years there is still stigma and prejudice. “Brazil, which was already considered an example of fighting the epidemic a few years ago, today is a country where the topic is practically no longer talked about. What we see is uninformed youth, who are unaware of the risk of HIV or other sexually transmitted infections. We see an increase in cases that should not happen and could be avoided through campaigns and information guidance. I come from a time in the 80s and 90s, we had posters and information everywhere. Today there is no more. There is no information and with all the technology that exists today. The high number of cases among the youngest is absurd. It doesn't make sense," he told Agência Brasil in an interview.
Villard said that the intention to promote acts and activities on this day is to draw attention to the fight against AIDS. “We manage to sensitize people, who stop here in the square, take tests, receive material. The work is satisfactory, but it's no use if there is no interest from the public authorities for these campaigns like ours to multiply and take place all the time. Tomorrow, people forget and the young person who took material here with us today may no longer be willing to pass this information on to other people," he said.
Also in Rio, the World AIDS Day had an act at the statue of singer and composer Cazuza, in Leblon, in the south of Rio. The monument to the artist, who died 31 years ago, because of the disease, was inaugurated five years exactly on this date. A little over a month ago, the sculpture's glasses were stolen and Lucinha Araújo, Cazuza's mother, ordered another one to put in its place, which was done today. The cast of the musical Cazas de Cazuza, authored and directed by Rodrigo Pitta, was at the venue and presented some of the singer's hits. The script is based on songs by the artist.
Text translated using artificial intelligence.