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Brazil surpasses 90% of the target population vaccinated with the 1st dose

Santa Catarina and Roraima are among the states that most vaccinated
Agência Brasil*
Published on 06/12/2021 - 11:56
Adolescentes, Vacinação, Prefeitura de Jundiaí
© Prefeitura de Jundiaí

Brazil's Covid-19 Vaccination Campaign surpassed 90% of the target population with the first dose of the vaccine. With the advance in the immunization of Brazilians against the disease, nine states have already surpassed this mark. Among the states that most applied the first dose of the immunizing agent are Santa Catarina, Roraima, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Paraíba, Piauí, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo.

For the executive secretary of the Ministry of Health, Rodrigo Cruz, this is due to the government's policy of acquiring, right from the start, more than 550 million doses of vaccine against covid-19. Of these, more than 378 million have already been distributed and 314 million have been applied, thanks to a strong immunization program.

"We have a National Immunization Program (PNI), which is strong and currently carries out one of the largest vaccination campaigns in the history of Brazil. If we add the other immunizing agents on the Brazilian Vaccination Calendar, in all, there are almost 1 billion doses This only demonstrates that our Unified Health System is strong, that it was able to implement and put into practice such an important and significant vaccination campaign," he said.

According to the ministry, “out of more than 314.1 million doses of vaccines against covid-19 applied, 159.5 million Brazilians started the vaccination cycle and 140.5 million completed the scheme with the second or single dose of the immunizing agent. With the sending of booster doses, 14.1 million Brazilians have already boosted their immunity with the additional or booster dose. For 2022, more than 354 million doses are guaranteed to continue the campaign next year”.

*With information from the Ministry of Health

Text translated using artificial intelligence.

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