Covid-19: Brazil registers 22 million cases and 616.8 thousand deaths

The Ministry of Health released today (13) new numbers on the covid-19 pandemic in the country. According to a daily survey carried out by the folder, Brazil has accumulated 22.1 million confirmed cases of the disease and 616.8 thousand registered deaths. The recovered cases total 21.4 million (96.6% of cases).
In the last 24 hours, the ministry registered 2,082 new cases and 48 deaths.
The state of São Paulo has the highest number of accumulated cases since the beginning of the pandemic, with 4.4 million cases and 154.6 thousand deaths. Next are Minas Gerais (2.2 million cases and 56.4 thousand deaths); Paraná (1.5 million cases and 40.8 thousand deaths) and Rio Grande do Sul (1.4 million cases and 36.2 thousand deaths).
The Ministry of Health also released on Monday the number of confirmed cases and under investigation of the Ômicron variant of the new coronavirus.
According to the folder, there are 11 confirmed cases of the new variant, five in São Paulo, two in the Federal District, two in Goiás and two in Rio Grande do Sul. The cases under investigation total six, two in Goiás and four in Minas Gerais .
Text translated using artificial intelligence.