Últimas notícias aircraft

Força Aérea Brasileira (FAB)

Brazil Air Force intercepts plane carrying 500kg of cocaine

The small plane flew into Brazilian airspace without authorization and was considered hostile. After being shot by Brazilian agents, the aircraft made a forced landing in São Paulo state.

ANAC certifica aeronave KC-390 da Embraer

Biggest Brazil-made military aircraft now in final testing stage

The Brazilian Air Force (FAB) is conducting the final tests on KC-390, the largest military aircraft manufactured in Brazil. The plane is robust and resembles the classic C-130 Hercules—the US military aircraft for troop and cargo transport.

Rio de Janeiro - A Polícia Federal e Receita Federal deflagraram os trabalhos da 30ª fase da Operação Lava Jato, a operação Vício. Carros da PF chegam com malotes e computadores na sede do órgão, na região portuária do Rio (Tânia Rêgo

Smuggling gang that operated in Brazil and Paraguay dismantled

A criminal organization with operations in several Brazilian states and an annual turnover of about $860 million worth of contraband was the target of a Federal Police operation on Thursday (Jun. 16).

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