Últimas notícias Brazil–China

Brasília (DF) 06-04-2023 - Por dentro da Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (EBC), estrada principal do prédio onde esta localizada a EBC. 
Foto: Joédson Alves/Agência Brasil

New Brazil–China deals bolster exchange between news outlets

EBC and Xinhua will be able to share texts and images, in addition to professionals, training programs, and logistical support for international new coverage.

Uso de robôs na indústria

Brazil and China ink memorandums for “new industrialization”

The documents focus on “sustainable bases, with technological innovation and investment in strategic sectors.” Brazil’s Development Ministry will be responsible for industrial investment, digital economy, and trade facilitation.

Comissão de Relações Exteriores e Defesa Nacional (CRE) realiza audiência pública interativa para ouvir, na qualidade de convidado, o ministro das Relações Exteriores para prestar informações no âmbito de suas competências, conforme disposto art

Foreign minister says China among countries prioritized by Brazil

“Bilateral trade grew in 2020, despite the pandemic, to a record volume of $102.5 billion, with a surplus balance of $33 billion for Brazil. We want a bigger and more diversified economic and commercial relationship with China. Our exports, still concentrated on a few primary products, could expand in amount and variety,” the chancellor declared.

A ministra da Agricultura, Tereza Cristina, participa da abertura do Ethanol Summit, no Centro Fecomercio de Eventos, em São Paulo.

Brazil backs Chinese candidate in FAO election

The United Nations (UN) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will meet in Rome on Sunday (Jun 23) to elect the director-general to lead the institution for the next four years.