Últimas notícias Conversa com o Presidente

Brasília (DF) 14/11/2023 - Presidente da República, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva e Ministro da Educação, Camilo Santana, durante o videocast “Conversa com o Presidente”.
Foto: Ricardo Stuckert / PR

Argentina needs a president who respects democracy, says Lula

Speaking about the elections in the neighboring country, the president said the votes of the Argentinians next Sunday are sovereign, but urged people to think about Argentina and the kind of South America they want to build.

Brasília (DF), 24.10.2023 - Presidente Lula é entrevistado pelo jornalista Marcos Uchoa para o programa Conversa com o Presidente. Imagem: Canal Gov

Lula: Hamas’s actions do not justify Israel’s killing of innocents

“It’s not because Hamas committed a terrorist act against Israel that this country should kill millions of innocent people,” he said on the weekly program Conversa com o Presidente, aired on Canal Gov.

Rio de Janeiro (RJ) - Vacina contra a esquistossomose. Foto: Gutemberg Brito/IOC/Fiocruz

Government plans to produce 70% of health supplies by 10 years

According to the health minister, the total planned stand at BRL 23 billion in private investment, plus funding from the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) and the Financier of Studies and Projects (Finep), adding up to BRL 42.1 billion.

Brasília (DF), 29.08.2023 - Presidente Lula é entrevistado por Marcos Uchoa no programa Conversa com o Presidente, no Palácio da Alvorada, em Brasília. Imagem: Canal Gov

Lula to create new ministry for small and medium-sized businesses

“I’m proposing the creation of a ministry for small and medium-sized enterprises, cooperatives, and individual entrepreneurs, so there’s a specific ministry to take care of these people, who need credit and opportunity.” He said spoke on his weekly Conversa com o Presidente, on Canal Gov.

Brasília (DF) 19.06.2023 - Encontro com Vice-Presidente da República e Ministro do Desenvolvimento, Indústria, Comércio e Serviços, Geraldo Alckmin, Núncio Apostólico no Brasil, Dom Giambattista Diquattro, Presidente da Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil (CNBB), Dom Jaime Spengler, Primeiro Vice-Presidente da CNBB, Dom João Justino de Medeiros Silva, Segundo Vice-Presidente da CNBB, Dom Paulo Jáckson Nóbrega de Sousa, Secretário-Geral da CNBB, Dom Ricardo Hoepers, e Assessor de Relações Institucionais e Governamentais da CNBB, Padre Paulo Renato Campos. Palácio da Alvorada - Brasília - DF. Foto: Ricardo Stuckert/PR

Lula plans to talk solutions to Ukraine conflict with pope in Europe

The Brazilian president is flying this Monday evening to Rome, where he should meet with the pontiff, Italian President Sergio Mattarella, and Mayor of Rome Roberto Gualtieri.