Lula: Preservation of Amazon must include protection of its people

The president discussed a wide range of topics on his weekly program

Published on 19/06/2023 - 12:40 By Heloísa Cristaldo - Brasília

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva stated in Brasília this Monday morning (Jun. 19) that the preservation of the Amazon region must include the protection of the poor people who live there. The statement was made during his weekly program Conversa com o Presidente (“Conversation with the President”).

“We usually talk about the Amazon and the Atlantic Forest, which is OK, but it’s important to remember the stilt houses. We should discuss degradation in the areas where there are human beings living,” he remarked. “Whenever we talk about the environmental issue, we have to remember the people who live in these areas. They need to live with dignity,” he added.

On Saturday (17), the president was in Belém to announce that the capital of Pará state will host the UN Climate Conference (COP 30) in 2025. The event is considered the biggest and most important world summit on to the planet’s climate. Around 50 thousand visitors are expected in the city, including dozens of heads of state and diplomatic representatives.

“We might just have the most beautiful COP ever held, because it is one thing to discuss the Amazon in Egypt, another thing to discuss the Amazon in Berlin, another thing still to discuss the Amazon in Paris. Now, we’re going to discuss the importance of the Amazon in the Amazon. We’re going to discuss the indigenous issue by looking at the indigenous people. We’re going to discuss the issue of riverside communities by looking at them and seeing how they live. Because when we talk about preservation, among the things we have to preserve are the 50 million people living in the Amazon of South America,” he argued.

Housing programs

Regarding the government’s housing initiatives, the president said that two million houses will be built by December 31, 2026, when his term of office ends.

“These houses will not be for the poorest people alone. We’re also [going to] make houses for the middle sector of society, for workers who make BRL 8 [thousand], BRL 9 [thousand], small entrepreneurs, the self-employed. We’ll try to make a house for those who can pay a little more and get a loan,” the president stated.

Also during his trip to Pará, Lula participated in the delivery ceremony of 222 houses as part of the Minha Casa, Minha Vida program. The construction of the houses had been halted for four years, the government reported, and should now serve 888 people in the group of families with gross monthly income of up to $546.74.

Translation: Fabrício Ferreira -  Edition: Kleber Sampaio

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