Últimas notícias Cuba


Brazil ships 125 tons of food to Cuba

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that additional shipments of rice, corn, and soybeans, will be dispatched to the country in the coming weeks.

Brasília (DF), 15.09.2023 - Presidente da República Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, se despede do Vice-presidente, Geraldo Alckmin, e embarca para Havana, Cuba, onde participa da Cúpula do G77. Foto: Ricardo Stuckert/PR

Lula to attend G77+China in Cuba

This year, under the presidency of Cuba, the gathering will have the theme “Current Development Challenges: The Role of Science, Technology, and Innovation.”

Médicos chegam ao local de prova para a segunda etapa do Exame Nacional de Revalidação de Diplomas Médicos Expedidos por Instituição de Educação Superior Estrangeira (Revalida) 2020, em Brasília.

Cuban doctors may be re-hired if Brazil’s More Doctors program returns

A federal judge underscored the role of the program in caring for those living in underserved areas. The Ministry of Health is considering bringing the initiative back.

Cuba faz sessão para escolher novo presidente

Brazil votes against end of embargo on Cuba at UN assembly

On Thursday (Nov. 7), Brazil voted in favor of the economic, commercial, and financial embargo on Cuba.

O ministro da Saúde, Luiz Henrique Mandetta, apresenta na Comissão de Assuntos Sociais do Senado, informações sobre as políticas e diretrizes de sua pasta, bem como a proposta de extinção do Programa Mais Médicos.

Brazil planning to regularize situation of Cuban doctors

Brazil’s Health Minister Luiz Henrique Mandetta said that the ministry plans to regularize the situation of approximately 2 thousand Cuban doctors that stayed in Brazil after the Cuban government’s departure from Brazil’s More Doctors program.