Últimas notícias education

Crianças da educação infantil em sala de aula

Brazil’s compulsory schooling surpasses OECD average

Public investment in education in Brazil, in relation to the GDP, rose by 29% from 2015 to 2021, surpassing the OECD average increase of 9% during the same period.

Surucucu (RR), 09/02/2023 - Mulheres e crianças yanomami em Surucucu, na Terra Indígena Yanomami.  Foto: Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil

Yanomami indigenous land to get BRL 32 mi investment for education

The initiatives for the education of the Yanomami and the Ye’kwana were discussed with indigenous leaders at a meeting with Education Minister Camilo Santana in Brasília.

Inteligência Artificial - Ciência, Tecnologia; Pesquisa. Foto: Rawpick/Freepick

Three out of four teachers in Brazil advocate AI as teaching tool

They say technology has impacted education both positively, with faster access to information, and negatively, as students lose their focus. Educators also reported structural and pedagogical problems that prevent the use of technology.

Neste Dia Internacional do Lixo Eletrônico, o GDF lançou oficialmente o Reciclotech, programa pioneiro no Brasil que prevê logística reversa e recondicionamento de materiais, com polos de economia circular e formação especializada de jovens. Com investimento de R$ 3,2 milhões, o principal objetivo é promover a inclusão digital a partir de doação de computadores readequados para uso. De resultado, o DF já conseguiu dobrar o número de pontos de entrega voluntária (PEVs). Foto: Renato Alves/ Agência Brasília

Brazil has fewer young people who neither study nor work

One out of five young people aged 15–29 were in this situation in 2023—9.6 mi youths. Conversely, 15.3% of youths worked and studied, 39.4% only worked, and 25.5% only studied.

Projeto ensina estudantes a identificar informações falsas sobre vacina HPV. Jornalista Gracielly Bittencourt, idealizadora do projeto “Conhecimento é vacina para a desinformação”. Foto: Cleiton Freitas

PISA: Less than half of Brazilian students know basic math, science

“The average results in 2022 were practically the same as in 2018 in mathematics, reading, and science. PISA results have remained remarkably stable over a long period,” the report reads, on the performance of Brazilian students.