Últimas notícias Forum

O ministro das Relações Exteriores, Carlos França, participa de audiência pública, promovida pela Comissão de Relações Exteriores e Defesa Nacional da Câmara dos Deputados

Forum discusses trade ties between Brazil, Arab League

Brazil’s secretary for Foreign Trade noted that the country’s ascension to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development has become “crystallized.”

Os governadores, de São Paulo, João Doria, do Distrito Federal, Ibanez Rocha e do Rio de Janeiro, Wilson Witzel, participam da 5ª Reunião do Fórum de Governadores.

Brazil governors seek consensus over pension reform

Brazilian state governors took part in the 5th meeting of the Forum of Governors in Brasília today (Jun 11). They seek to come to a minimum consensus on how to increase the chances for the reform of Brazil’s pension system to be approved by Congress.

Governadores do Nordeste falam à imprensa após reunião com Bolsonaro

Governors travel to Brasília to discuss pension reform

As the date approaches for the presentation of a report on the reform of Brazil’s pension system—this week at a special lower house commission deliberating on the bill—the pressure continues on state and municipal leaders to remain in the document, as originally proposed by th