Últimas notícias Ministry of Finance


Inequality: 10% of taxpayers concentrate 51% of income in Brazil

Brazilians are required to file income tax returns if they earned at least BRL 28,559.70 in taxable income or BRL 142,798.50 in gross income from rural activities.

Operação da Fábrica de Blocos na Mina do Pico, produzidos a partir de rejeitos da mineração, no Complexo Vargem Grande da Vale, em Minas Gerais.

Third quarter GDP exceeded expectations, government says

Finance Minister Haddad said the GDP could close 2023 with slightly higher growth than the 3% projection published at the end of November by the Ministry of Finance. However, he said the result depends on the Central Bank continue to cut interest rates.

Brasília,(DF) 08/08/2023, Entrevista coletiva do ministro da Fazenda, Fernando Haddad. Foto Valter Campanato/EBC.

Brazil proposes ensuring exports to Argentina in Chinese currency

According to Haddad, this operation would enhance the security of Brazilian exporters who are concerned about possible defaults by Argentine companies.

Dinheiro, Real Moeda brasileira

Brazil’s public debt rises above BRL 6 tri

Federal public debt securities, coupled with a low volume of redemptions last month, raised the outstanding debt by 2.38% to BRL 6.03 tri in April, up BRL 140.12 bi.

Brasília (DF) 30/03/2023  Os ministros da Fazenda, Fernando Haddad e do Planejamento, Simone Tebet, durante coletiva sobre a nova regra fiscal.  Foto: José Cruz/ Agência Brasil

Government puts forth revamp for public spending cap

New fiscal rules should limit the rise in Brazil’s public spending to 70% of the growth in revenue seen in the 12 months prior, the Finance Ministry announced. The new system combines more flexible restraints with the country’s targeted primary balance.