Últimas notícias New Delhi

Nova Delhi, Índia, 11.09.2023 - Presidente da República, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, concede entrevista coletiva à imprensa em Nova Delhi, Índia, e faz balanço da viagem. Foto: Ricardo Stuckert/PR

G20 in Brazil: Lula expects Russian president’s attendance

The Brazilian president said it would be up to the Brazilian courts to decide on Putin’s arrest, should he come to Brazil for the next G20 Summit in Nov. 2024. Putin did not attend the group’s meeting in New Delhi.

Brasília, (DF) - 28/08/2023 - O presidente Lula durante solenidade de Assinatura de Sanção do Projeto de Lei de Conversão (PLV) no 15/2023, que estabelece a política de valorização permanente do salário mínimo. Foto Valter Campanato/EBC.

Lula assumes G20 presidency as he heads to India

Brazil's rotating presidency of the G20 will extend until the close of 2024, culminating in a subsequent summit to be hosted in Rio on November 18 and 19 of that year.

Beatriz Ferreira - bicampeã mundial em 26/03/2023

Beatriz Ferreira wins boxing world title for second time

The Women's World Boxing Championships in New Delhi brought together athletes from 23 countries. The Brazilian delegation traveled to India with seven athletes.