Últimas notícias OECD

Operação da Fábrica de Blocos na Mina do Pico, produzidos a partir de rejeitos da mineração, no Complexo Vargem Grande da Vale, em Minas Gerais.

Brazil jumps two places, becomes world’s ninth largest economy in 2023

With a predicted growth of 3.1% this year, the country should end the year with a $2.13 tri GDP, overtaking Canada, the IMF announced. Last year, Brazil ranked 11th.

Projeto ensina estudantes a identificar informações falsas sobre vacina HPV. Jornalista Gracielly Bittencourt, idealizadora do projeto “Conhecimento é vacina para a desinformação”. Foto: Cleiton Freitas

PISA: Less than half of Brazilian students know basic math, science

“The average results in 2022 were practically the same as in 2018 in mathematics, reading, and science. PISA results have remained remarkably stable over a long period,” the report reads, on the performance of Brazilian students.

Sala de aula

Brazil invests less in education than OECD countries

OECD’s Education at a Glance report shows that, while Brazil invested $4,306 per student in 2020, OECD countries invested an average of $11,560. The figures refer to investments made from elementary school to higher education.

O ministro das Relações Exteriores, Mauro Vieira, explica a política externa brasileira em audiência pública conjunta das comissões de Relações Exteriores e de Segurança Pública (Antonio Cruz/Agência Brasil)

Brazil’s foreign minister meets with Croatian premier in Zagreb

Minister Mauro Vieria and Prime Minister Andrej Plenković talked trade and the OECD, and signed deals on culture and education. The Brazilian official will be welcomed by President Zoran Milanović tomorrow.

Presidente Lula em reunião com governadores.

Lula upholds changes in EU-Mercosur agreement

On the German side, Scholz also defended a rapid advancement of the agreement and praised the "energy of president" Lula to try to conclude the terms in a few months.