Últimas notícias organized crime

Police leave the El Inca prison after a security operation due to riots, following the disappearance of Jose Adolfo Macias, alias 'Fito', leader of the Los Choneros criminal group, in Quito, Ecuador, January 8, 2024. REUTERS/Karen Toro

Brazil’s Federal Police offer Ecuador support tracking criminal rings

Representatives of Ameripol—police forces from 16 Latin American countries—met online to discuss ways out of the wave of violence plaguing the Andean nations.

Brasília (DF), 07.11.23 - Ministro Flávio Dino se reune com o presidente da Interpol, Sr. Ahmed Naser Al-Raisi. Foto: Jamile Ferraris/MJSP

Brazil, 12 other countries establish police organization

The Brazilian Minister of Justice and Public Security, Flávio Dino, pointed out that Ameripol will work on the internet to curb the actions of criminal organizations.

Brasília (DF) 01/11/2023 – O presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, assina decreto para GLO em portos e aeroportos de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro.
Foto: Valter Campanato/Agência Brasil

Lula calls on Armed Forces to fight organized crime

The president signed a decree establishing operations to guarantee law and order at the airports of Guarulhos, in São Paulo; and Galeão, in Rio; as well as the ports of Santos, in São Paulo; Itaguaí, in Rio de Janeiro; and Rio City.

Rio de Janeiro (RJ) 24.10.2023 - Consequências da onda da violência na zona oeste do Rio: dezenas de ônibus queimados. Imagens: Rio Ônibus

Traffic in Rio's west zone returns to normal after riots

The Union of Bus Companies Rio Ônibus regards the response from organized crime as the most significant assault on the city's transportation network within a single day.

Manaus (AM) - Policia Federal inutiliza balsas de garimpo ilegal com apoio do IBAMA e ocorreu no Vale do Javari/AM
Foto: Policia Federal/Divulgação
Human Rights

Miners on Yanomami indigenous territory financed by organized crime

Ibama head Agostinho has stated that criminal groups are becoming more prevalent in illegal extractive activities, such as mining and land grabbing, in Brazil.