Últimas notícias Polícia Federal

Florianópolis/SC - A Florianópolis/SC - A Polícia Federal, juntamente com o Ministério Público Federal, deflagrou nesta quinta-feira (14/10) a 3ª fase da Operação Alcatraz, intitulada Operação Obstrução, visando à repressão de organização c

Federal Police initiates operation against crimes in public tenders

Criminal group operated in the Federal District, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Maranhão, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo.

A Polícia Federal deflagrou na manhã desta quarta-feira, 04/12, uma operação para combater a ação de uma Organização Criminosa  que atuava no processo de extração ilegal de aroeira na região da Terra Indígena Sararé

PF operation investigates the deaths of two Indians

The police, with the support of the Military Brigade, have served early nine preventive arrest warrants and 16 search and seizure warrants in the Serrinha Indigenous Land and in the city of Ronda Alta.

Florianópolis/SC - A Florianópolis/SC - A Polícia Federal, juntamente com o Ministério Público Federal, deflagrou nesta quinta-feira (14/10) a 3ª fase da Operação Alcatraz, intitulada Operação Obstrução, visando à repressão de organização c

PF arrests a man in Rio with 130 kg of cocaine paste

The drug was seized at the Federal Highway Police post and was hidden under the driver's and passenger seats. The narcotic was destined for the city of Macaé.

Edifício sede do Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (INEP).

Federal Police Investigates Overbilling in Inep's Bidding

From 2010 to 2018, Inep contracted to carry out the Enem, without observing the rules of non-requirement for bidding, a company that received BRL 728,645,383.37 from the public coffers.

 Petrobras resíduos de óleo praias do Nordeste

Oil that hit beaches in the Northeast came from a Greek oil tanker, says PF

Oil slicks seen in 11 states between August 2019 and March 2020 came from a Greek oil tanker, whose perpetrators were indicted for pollution, the PF said.