Últimas notícias prison

Caso Robinho - Pela decisão do STJ Robinho pode ser preso a qualquer momento para que cumpra pena na unidade prisional mais próxima de sua residência, em Santos (SP).  Ex-atacante Robinho durante partida da seleção brasileira. 27/06/2015. REUTERS/Andres Stapff

Brazilian Federal police arrest Robinho, convicted of rape

Seeking to avoid imprisonment, Robinho’s defense filed a habeas corpus request with the Federal Supreme Court, which Justice Luiz Fux denied in a monocratic decision.

Brasília - DF, 20/03/2024 - Corte Especial do STJ julga homologação de sentença da Itália contra o ex-jogador Robinho. Foto: Gustavo Lima/STJ

Court decides: Robinho must serve rape sentence in Brazil

According to the ruling, once the approval process concludes at the Superior Court of Justice, Robinho must be arrested in Santos, São Paulo state, where he resides.

Inauguração da expansão da Central de Audiência de Custódia de Benfica
Human Rights

Booklet guides migrants and refugees on custody hearings

Difficulties in communication and lack of knowledge of Brazilian laws are some of the factors that impact the guarantee of rights for foreign prisoners in Brazil.

A Polícia Federal deflagrou na manhã desta quarta-feira (6/7) as operações Catrapo e The Fallen

Brazil Federal Police crack down on int’l drug ring

During the probes, investigators found that the criminals used airplanes to transport cocaine acquired in Peru and Bolivia to Europe, using the state in Central-West Brazil for storage.

Foto aérea do Complexo Penitenciário de Santa Izabel (Thiago Gomes/Ascom Susipe/direitos reservados)

In north Brazil, 21 dead in jail break attempt

Public security authorities in Pará state, in the extreme north of Brazil, confirmed “a mass prison break attempt” Tuesday afternoon (Apr. 10) at one of the units of the Santa Izabel Prison Complex, outside state capital Belém.