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Brazil will make films in co-production with Italy and Argentina

Ten feature films projects were selected: six in partnership with the
Paulo Virgílio reports from Agência Brasil
Published on 23/07/2015 - 19:48
Rio de Janeiro
© Ancine/divulgação
Ancine divulga co-produção

The National Film Agency (ANCINE) announced on Wednesday (July 22) the winners of two applications for co-production grant for Italy and Argentine. Ancine/divulgação

The National Film Agency (ANCINE) announced on Wednesday (July 22) the winners of two applications for co-production grant for Italy and Argentine. On the whole, ten feature film projects were awarded: six in partnership with Direzione Generale per il Cinema (DGC), from Italy, and four with Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales (Incaa), the argentine agency.

ANCINE evaluated 45 Brazilian proposals on two lines. On line A, intended to beginner scriptwriters, the winners were “Praça Vermelha” (Red Square), by Rossana Foglia, and “Song to be Siren/ Filme da Sereia” (Mermaid Film) from Indira Dominici Cunha. On line B, intended to non-beginners, the project “Relato de um Certo Oriente” (Report of a Certain West), by the director Marcelo Gomes, was selected. This project will receive 30 thousand euros to be developed, while each project of Line A will be granted 25 thousand.

On the other hand, the Italian committee of the partnership has decided to award 3 projects presented by producers from that country. On line A, the awarded were “The Outpost”, by Edoardo Morabito, from Dugong productions, and “O Homem from Home” (The Man from Home), by Lourenço de Almeida Barbisa de Carvalho and Anne-Riitta Ciccon, from Kino Productions. On line B, the project chosen was “Absolute Palate”, by Francesco Falaschi, Filippo Bologna and Ugo Chiti, presented by Verdeoro production.

In the line of co-production with Argentina, among 23 qualified projects, 4 were awarded the total amount of $1 million - $250 thousand for each film. The winners of majority Argentine co-production were “Uma Espécie de Família” (A Kind of Family), by Diego Lerman, and “Esteros 1998”, by Gerardo "Papu" Curotto. Among the majority Brazilian co-production were chosen “A Voz do Silêncio” (The Silence Voice) by André Ristum, and “O Livro dos Prazeres”, (The Book of Pleasure) by Marcela Lordy.


Translated by Amarílis Anchieta

Fonte: Brazil will make films in co-production with Italy and Argentina