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UN rapporteur in Brazil to probe into torture cases

Juan Méndez comes at the invitation of the Brazilian government and
Michèlle Canes reports from Agência Brasil
Published on 03/08/2015 - 16:56

The United Nations special rapporteur on torture, Argentinian Juan Méndez, is expected to arrive in Brazil on Monday (Aug 3) to identify and assess the main challenges facing the country regarding the torture and mistreatment of detainees.

The rapporteur is coming to the country at the invitation of the Brazilian government. His trip is scheduled to last 12 days and comprise several states, with unannounced visits to police stations and prison facilities.

His appointments in the country will result in a final report to be submitted to the UN Human Rights Council in March next year. Meetings are expected to be held with authorities, human rights institutions, civil society organizations, and torture victims.

The Argentinian rapporteur is an independent specialist in charge of detecting and reporting cases of torture and inhumane treatment throughout the world. He was appointed to his seat at the UN Human Rights Council in 2010.

Figures from the Disque 100 human rights hotline show that, from January to June, 2015, over a thousand reports on torture, cruel punishments, and other forms of inhumane or degrading treatment against people under detention were heard. The number corresponds to 21.62 percent of the calls fielded in the period. The service is provided by the presidency's Human Rights Secretariat, and all allegations are forwarded to the appropriate authorities.

According to the Ministry of Justice, the last Survey on Prison Data (Infopen), dated June 2014, reveals that 121 people are currently under arrest in Brazil for torture. The study shows Brazil's jail population at over 607 thousand, and a bed deficit of 231 thousand.

Translated by Fabrício Ferreira

Fonte: UN rapporteur in Brazil to probe into torture cases