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Unemployment down in 2014

The number of jobless people was reported at an annual average of 1
Nielmar de Oliveira reports from Agência Brasil
Published on 29/01/2015 - 16:10
Rio de Janeiro
Carteira de Trabalho e Previdência Social (CTPS)
© Marcello Casal jr/Agência Brasil

Brazil's unemployment rate closed out 2014 at 4.8%, which is below 2013's 5.4%. Also according to the Monthly Survey on Employment, released today (Jan 29) by the Brazilian Geography and Statistics Institute (IBGE), the rate for December last year stood at 4.3%, down from 4.8% in the previous month. The rate remains unchanged in comparison with the year-earlier month—4.3%.

In 2014, the jobless population in the six metropolitan areas covered by the study was reported at an annual average of 1.176 million people—down 10.8% from 2013's 1.318 million unemployed.

The survey further reveals that the most significant reduction in the unemployment population from 2013 to 2014 was observed in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro (-23.4%), followed by São Paulo (-16.5%) and Belo Horizonte (-12.5%).

The metropolitan areas of Salvador (14.8%), Porto Alegre (8.7%), and Recife (1.8%) showed a surge in the amount of people without a job from 2013 to 2014.

As for the employed, the yearly average in the six regions in 2014 was estimated at 23.087 million, 0.1% lower than 2013, when this figure added up to 23.116 million. In December, 2014, the employed population in the areas reached 23.225 million, which represents a decline of 0.7 from November, and a statistically stable value (0.5%) compared to December, 2013.

Translated by Fabrício Ferreira

Fonte: Unemployment down in 2014