Understand the changes to rules in food stamps and food stamps

Signed by President Jair Bolsonaro on November 10, decree no. 10.854/21 added and simplified some labor instructions, including the use of food stamps and meals.
According to the new instrument, establishments that accept to receive food stamps must not distinguish between the brands of the card operators. The rule also says that companies cannot enter into economically advantageous partnerships, such as discounted fees or advance receipt of values, with operators and card brands.
A novelty is the portability of credits for companies that use the Worker's Food Program (PAT). In practice, employees who accumulate unused amounts on their cards may, in the event of a change in the card's brand, transfer all the money to the new brand without paying fees.
The adaptation period for the new rules is 18 months. For companies that already have contracts in force with brands and card operators, there will be a need to change the contractual terms, which must comply with the new requirements.
In practice, the changes will allow employees to use both food stamp and food stamp credits at more establishments.
Obligations for users also remain. Workers who receive the benefit will not be able to use it to buy alcoholic beverages or convert the balance into cash.
Text translated using artificial intelligence.