China lifts ban on Brazilian beef levied in February

The Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock said the Chinese government on Thursday (Mar. 23) decided to suspend the embargo on Brazilian beef.
The decision, the ministry reported, was made after a meeting in Beijing between Brazil’s Minister Carlos Fávaro and China’s Minister of the General Administration of Customs Yu Jianhua.
Sales from Brazil had been halted in February after a case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy—the mad cow disease—described by the Brazilian government as “isolated and atypical.” The report was made in a small property in Pará state, North Brazil.
“Since the case was discovered, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock has been working transparently and taking all necessary steps in compliance with international import protocol,” an official note reads.
“I am convinced this step helps Brazil advance in the licensing of plants and bring opportunities for Brazilian livestock,” Minister Carlos Fávaro said at the end of the meeting in Beijing.