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Public Prosecutor's office lauches campaign against corruption

The campaign is designed to encourage the population to reject any
Marcelo Brandão reports from Agência Brasil
Published on 27/05/2015 - 09:26

© 26 16:17:08

The Public Prosecutor's Office (MPF) launched a campaign called #CORRUPÇÃONÃO (“no corruption”) designed to further the anti-corruption debate, especially on social media.

“It's time for us to show we don't agree with any kind of corruption. No matter who's involved, in which situation, or the extent of the behavior. The role of those who – just like we do – want a fairer world is to say 'NO' to any corrupt behavior – whether it is jumping a queue, bribing traffic police, or embezzling public funds,” the campaign website read.

 o procurador Rodrigo Janot (José Cruz/Agência Brasil)

Prosecutor-General, Rodrigo JanotJosé Cruz/Agência Brasil

The campaigned was launched Monday (May 25) during a seminar celebrating the tenth anniversary of international cooperation in the MPF. The event was attended by the Prosecutor-General, Rodrigo Janot, and remembers the creation of the international cooperation department of the MPF. “This has allowed the MPF to continue advancing toward a prominent standing in international relations, as outlined in our Strategic Plan,” Janot said.

The MPF shares information with other countries by accepting and making inquiries, and this can lead to the repatriation of million-scale amounts to Brazil. Currently, according to the MPF, about $500 million in offshore funds is frozen.

Among recent cases where international cooperation has played a central role is the Federal Police Operation Car Wash, which investigates corruption at Petrobras. About $224,270,000 in offshore funds embezzled from the company is part of the frozen assets.

Translated by Mayra Borges

Fonte: Public Prosecutor's office lauches campaign against corruption