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Brazil life expectancy rises to 75.2 years

Life expectancy in 2014 was three months, 18 days longer than in 2013
Vinicius Lisboa reports from Agência Brasil
Published on 01/12/2015 - 11:57
Rio de Janeiro
No Rio, no ponto de venda em Botafogo, na zona sul da cidade, centenas de pessoas fazem fila para adquirir ingressos para jogos em uma das 12 cidades-sede da Copa do Mundo (Tânia Rêgo/Agência Brasil)
© Tânia Rêgo/Agência Brasil
No Rio, no ponto de venda em Botafogo, na zona sul da cidade, centenas de pessoas fazem fila para adquirir ingressos para jogos em uma das 12 cidades-sede da Copa do Mundo (Tânia Rêgo/Agência Brasil)

The increase in male life expectancy was slightly larger than for women in 2014—three months, 25 days compared to three months, 11 days for women.Tânia Rêgo/Agência Brasil

Life expectancy in Brazil rose to 75 years, two months and twelve days (75.2) in 2014, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). This is three months and 18 days longer than in 2013 (74.9 years). According to a report released Tuesday (Dec. 1st), Brazilian women live an average 7.2 years longer than Brazilian men—female life expectancy stood at 78.8 years compared to 71.6 years for men.

The increase in male life expectancy was slightly larger than for women in 2014—three months, 25 days compared to three months, 11 days for women. Santa Catarina state reported the longest life expectancy: 78.4 years (75.1 years for men, 81.8 years for women). The Federal District ranked second with 77.6 years, and Espírito Santo came third with 77.5 years.

The shortest life expectancy at birth was reported for Maranhão: 70 years. Next up the ranking were the states of Piauí (70.7 years) and Alagoas (70.8 years).

Translated by Mayra Borges

Fonte: Brazil life expectancy rises to 75.2 years