Mountain city in São Paulo reports Brazil's lowest temp today
The temperature in the state of São Paulo will keep declining up to this weekend. The weather in the state is set to range from 26ºC to 1ºC today (Jul 5), the National Institute of Meteorology (INMET) declared. The sky is predicted to be clear to partly clouded with a dry fog, with frost likely in the Mantiqueira mountain chain area and in Alto do Ribeira. The temperature may increase a little tomorrow, with a low 2ºC and a high 26ºC.
The tourist city of Campos do Jordão, on the Mantiqueira mountain chain, reported the country's lowest temperature today early this morning. Thermometers read -0.5ºC at around 6 am.
Up to Sunday, lows are expected to hike gradually as highs are to remain steady. Until then, the sun is expected to shine behind a few clouds. “Frosts are no longer a risk on Friday (7), and temperatures should start rising in the morning, but the weather will remain cold in the afternoon, even in the Araçatuba region, which is usually warmer. No high temperatures are forecast,” said INMET meteorologist Helena Turon Balbino.
In eastern São Paulo, particularly in Vale do Ribeira and the Itapetininga region, humid fog is expected to be seen at both dusk and dawn. Elsewhere in the state, mist is predicted to be dry and air humidity low, especially in the west and northwest.
In São Paulo city, the atmospheric blocking will keep the weather predominantly sunny and dry over the next few days. Temperatures are to remain low in the early hours. Atmospheric stability, coupled with the low rainfall, makes it difficult for pollutants to disperse and potentializes the spread of wildfire.
Skies are forecast to be clear to partly clouded with humid fog on Saturday (8) and a slightly hotter high (21ºC) and an 11ºC low. On Sunday, thermometers should read around 12ºC early after the sun rises, with temperatures never exceeding 20ºC.
Translated by Fabrício Ferreira
Fonte: Mountain city in São Paulo reports Brazil's lowest temp today