Check out winners of the Radio Nacional FM Music Festival 2021

Ricardo Starling, Larissa Vitorino, Tiago Nunes and Kirá were some of the winners of the Rádio Nacional FM Music Festival. O announcement of the winners of the 2021 edition took place on Saturday (27), at 8 pm, at Teatro da Caixa Cultural. This is the 13th edition of the event that values artists from the Federal District and the surrounding area and offers space for the dissemination of their work on the Rádio Nacional program.
Check out the winners:
Top rated music on the internet
- Baião de Dois , composition and interpretation by Ricardo Starling (10,733 votes)
more cheering crowd
- Larissa Vitorino, music Areia , by Larissa Vitorino
best arrangement
- Estação do Choro , arrangement by Tiago Tunes
best lyrics
- Mar Mangã o, lyrics by Kirá
best instrumental performer
- Iara Gomes Trio – Muro Alto song, by Iara Gomes
best vocal artist
- Myriam Eduardo – song Tarde Demais , by Josué Costa and Glauco Luz
best instrumental music
- Estação Do Choro , by Tiago Tunes, performed by Tiago Tunes Quinteto
best song with lyrics
- Sand , composition and interpretation by Larissa Vitorino
Watch the full show here
The Festival broke records this year: in entries – there were 445 songs submitted, from which the 50 semifinalists who played on Nacional FM for two months came out, and in popular voting – more than 30,000 votes in the first phase, which helped to select the 11 competitors who participated in the final show. Through the Rádio Nacional website , the public voted for their favorite song until the 27th..
Check out the finalist songs
The Festival is in its 13th edition and aims to enhance the appreciation of artists from the Federal District and the surrounding area, offering space for the dissemination of their work on Rádio Nacional FM and the production of the Final Show at Teatro da Caixa Cultural, a very important partnership since 2015.
The Final Show features the 11 contestants who compete for the awards for Best Song with Lyrics, Best Instrumental Music, Best Vocal Performer, Best Instrumental Performer, Best Lyrics and Best Arrangement. The most voted music on the internet and the Most Animated Fans will also be awarded.
There were 445 songs entered at the Festival, from which 50 semi-finalists came out and were played on Nacional FM for two months. After evaluation by a panel of judges and public voting on the internet, here is all the information on the 11 finalist songs.
While the jury meets to evaluate the contestants, a pocket show will be presented with the Festival's Base Band led by conductor Marcos Farias.
Enjoy to enjoy, cheer and applaud.
Artists in our city deserve it!
Missy who came
at the fair to find you
wearing that sandal
Espadrilles that João gave him
But it was a slack smile
that the lady received
that the lady received
John didn't even notice her
take the lantern
down the slope
And go running
to be able to dance
with Mary
that girl
More John
make a beautiful pair
And there's no way
the pair is made
And go dancing
until clear
And this time he managed
see the sun rise
Yeh yeh yeh rum will yeh yeh yeh
counting the hours to see
your denies to dance
John who was nervous
walked there non-stop
It was supper time
And the cock was crowing
the beautiful girl did not come
Didn't even say when he's coming
dance on the riverbank
dance by the sea
take the lantern
down the slope
And go running
to be able to dance
with Mary
that girl
More John
Ceiling, house, floor, sand, dust, decoration, arrangement, cat
Chair, shoe, everything waits overturned
While inside the chest beats hard, think
the head dismounts
A lot of truths fall
On the sofa, memories and nostalgia
I hope one day to be someone balanced
key, door, living room, bedroom
empty house, meow, open window
Candle now extinguished
As the void grows, I pray
God bless you!
go win in life now
Guardian, with her many loves
That sweetness makes a poem in the sound of a flute
What's missing, but I'll stay here as long as there's dawn
go and win in life now
Guardian, with her many loves
That sweetness makes a poem in the sound of a flute
What's missing, but I'll stay here as long as there's dawn
tambourine that cures pain
that makes your heart beat
partner of so much love
I will always exalt you
playing tambourine i go
In the wake of the appointment
Because it's the leather that heals
the needs of the heart
Play the tambourine, play the guitar
Play another brave samba
And the sadness goes away
I play tambourine bringing energy in the air
He chooses me the next Samba to sing
tambourine healer of my soul
Soothes me, cures melancholy
tambourine, who cures pain
that makes the heart beat
partner of so much love
I will always exalt you.
playing tambourine i go
In the wake of the appointment
Because it's the leather that heals
the needs of the heart
Play the tambourine, play the guitar
Play another brave samba
And the sadness goes away
That sound that comes from afar, grandpa in the slave quarters
By the skin of the tambourine is a people that speaks
tambourine healer of my soul
Soothes me, cures melancholy
Notice that the wave rocks and takes
The sand from the shore to the bottom of the sea
Although it doesn't seem like it, one day the sand
will transform
The sand was once a stone
That the breath of God shattered
And the wind took it far away, to
ocean waves
Notice that time is lord of fate
Of forgetting or reminding
and life is being built in
pieces that we put together
The time that heals, that closes the wound
The mind that guards and finds reasons
The stone or the sand that a heart
can become
And the stones are not worth more than the
river water in my eyes the stones
are not worth more than my singing
I won't have wind
And be just calm
Every dog has his day
Everything has its day
stay don't go away
Soon a cycle begins
Even if there is a delay It will come
fight don't give up
this winter will pass
The wheel will still turn
My dear
look like the tide
comes and goes
everything starts and ends
Faith is what makes us go beyond
Fear does not bring peace to anyone
The rainy time comes
And the summer time
have the child that is born
have an empty nest
before life ends
Pull out of your drawers Dreams
who fell asleep Ali
just don't get discouraged
Soon the sun will rise
there is still so much to live
My dear
look like the tide
Comes and goes
Everything starts and ends too
Faith is what makes us go beyond
Fear does not bring peace to anyone
It's better in this life Despite the flaws
always start
because nothing is perfect
if it's inside out
Soon the wind turns
Everything has its price
I know
try not to weaken
spring is coming
Who ever cried will finally laugh
My dear
look like the tide
Comes and goes
Everything starts and ends too
Faith is what makes us see beyond
Fear does not bring peace to anyone
the sea took it from me
Turned a crooked view, erased my fuse
The sea splashed, atchim!
scowled, spat on me
the sea took it from me
It was thick broth from Aquiraz à Camocim
The sea mango, yes it was
Enough, I became a bar sink
It's sea mango, it's
It's sea mango, oh
It erased my fuse, soon I
I feel on fire
That I think more of a means than an end
Let me bathe in unpeeled garlic
And that just like black dog
The sea arrives laughed
This is festive talk
This hook can't take the pull
And today the shaman will teach curumim
It's sea mango, it's
It's sea mango, oh
warned who orders at home
Said it has to be like this
Because the evil of many pirates
It's not seeing your own mutiny
Said life is not shallow
And if it sinks it's not always bad
And what ember that burns with soot
It doesn't make sense to me anymore
it's from my mother
it's from my mother
Water mirror that shows me the emotion
Belly that welcomes and soothes the heart
it's from my mother
it's from my hands
That comes out of the drum beat out of tune
Drum equal to any drum out of adjustment
It's my heart
Wind for those who are windy
Water for those who want to wet
Sign for who is to sign
Just don't leave the drum of the ancestors
shut up
at first i was a coward
for not getting away from so many
bad things
but maybe don't wait anymore
don't be too late to go back
for thou shalt not come, thou shalt not return
and if the world asks for us
you will answer maybe, maybe
but you will choke your voice
and you will discard me
without even seeing the pros
then you will say that by the way
we were not born for us
I might still keep
in the drawer a pair of old socks
in the hope that despite
do not make a fuss you will return
but you will not come, you will not return
and if the world asks for us
you will answer maybe, maybe
but you will choke your voice
and you will discard me
without even seeing the pros
then you will say that by the way
we were not born for us
at first i was a coward
but now it's too late to go back
eee you will discard me
without even seeing the pros
then you will say that by the way
we were not born for us
at first i was a coward
but now it's too late to go back
I will make the sun come out
that there is no time to waste
no place
With my eyes closed, I hear the
always at dusk
the pink sky
Already dissolves and touches my feet
One day I will know
more than just come back
I will make the sun come out
And every shadow fades
the marked face
So much insult to anyone who dares
live The blurred memory, that me
drips, devours my feet
But this time
the shadow dissolves
I will make the sun come out
And every shadow fades and
And if I make the sun come out
And each fire will grow
It was in 2009 that the first edition of the National FM Music Festival took place, consolidating a series of initiatives to support the culture, artists and music of Brasília.
Since then, the event has been held in distinguished auditoriums such as Teatro do Sesc DF, at Silvio Borgato of Setor Comercial Sul, Teatro Garagem da 913 Sul, CCBB and Cine Brasília. Since 2015, the final shows have been held at Teatro da Caixa Cultural Brasília, an important partnership that has already been consolidated in these last seven editions.
Now reaching its 13th edition, the Festival remains faithful to its essence, which is to open spaces for the performance of songs by artists from Brasília in the National FM programming and provide the finalists with high quality shows, recorded by TV Brasil for exhibition in their special end-of-year schedule.
Text translated using artificial intelligence.