Environment minister displays actions to combat deforestation
The fight against deforestation was one of the themes of the interview given by Environment Minister Joaquim Leite to the state radio program A Voz do Brasil on Wednesday (Jul. 6). The increase in fines for those caught illegally extracting native wood was among the main measures mentioned by him. The fine rose from BRL 1 million ($ 184 thousand dollars) to BRL 50 million ($ 9,2 million dollars). “And in cases where this occurs in national parks, the value can double,” the minister said.
Leite also pointed out the strengthening of the work teams of the Brazilian Institute for Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama), and the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) by hiring 739 employees, and the acquisition of equipment such as trucks, vehicles, and tractors, “to bring these bodies more structure to fight deforestation and protect parks and areas under the responsibility of the federal government”.