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Deforestation in Amazon rainforest decreased by 60% in January

Roraima leads the ranking among the states experiencing deforestation
Carolina Pimentel
Publicada em 22/02/2024 - 12:20
Agência Brasil - Brasília
29/08/2023, PF deflagra duas operações contra desmatamento e lavagem de dinheiro. Foto: Polícia Federal/Divulgação
© Polícia Federal/divulgação

Deforestation in the Amazon rainforest decreased by 60 percent in January compared to the same month last year, according to monitoring by the Amazon Institute for Mankind and the Environment (Imazon). This marks the tenth consecutive month of reduction.

In January 2024, deforestation amounted to 79 km², compared to 198 km² in the same month in 2023.

Despite this drop, deforestation still amounts to an area that corresponds to over 250 soccer fields per day, surpassing the destruction levels recorded in January 2016, 2017, and 2018.

Imazon researcher Larissa Amorim noted that achieving the goal of zero deforestation by 2030 requires Brazil to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, enhance environmental monitoring, and establish protected forest areas.

Since the recording of these data began in 2008, the years with the highest deforestation rates were January 2015, with 288 km², and January 2022, with 261 km².

Roraima state

Satellite image monitoring also allows for the identification of the states that experienced the highest levels of deforestation in January.

Roraima leads the ranking, accounting for 40 percent of the area cleared in the Legal Amazon. According to Larissa, the state experienced a different rainfall pattern compared to the other eight states in the region, resulting in a drier climate. "This facilitates the practice of deforestation," as stated by the institute.

However, deforestation in Roraima was lower compared to the previous year. In January 2023, there were 41 km² cleared, compared to 32 km² this year, representing a drop of 22 percent.

According to the Imazon survey, six states in the Legal Amazon recorded a drop in forest destruction: Mato Grosso, Pará, Rondônia, Amazonas, and Maranhão.

The Legal Amazon comprises nine states in the North (Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Pará, Rondônia, Roraima, and Tocantins); Center-West (Mato Grosso); and Northeast (Maranhão).