Bolsonaro: Israel to back Brazil’s efforts to join OECD

The president highlighted the importance of, and the respect for the A

Published on 05/04/2019 - 11:38 By Agência Brasil - Brasília

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro on Thursday (Apr. 4) noted that, during his four-day visit to Israel, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he will support Brazil’s admission to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Last month, US President Donald Trump also expressed support for Brazil’s push to join the group.

“Netanyahu ensured total support for Brazil to be able to join OECD,” said the president, who made a live broadcast on social media next to Institutional Security Minister General Augusto Heleno and Justice Minister Sergio Moro.

OECD is an international organization encompassing 36 countries that have adopted the principles of representative democracy and market economy. Most members are countries whose economies have a high gross domestic product per capita and human development index.

Arab nations

Bolsonaro added Israel is open to dialog and partnerships with the Arab community. The statement comes after the announcement of a Brazilian business office in Jerusalem. He noted that, on April 10, Agriculture Minister Tereza Cristina is expected to talk to ambassadors from Arab countries.

“We want to make business with the whole world, including the Arab community. We want to bring Brazil under the spotlight,” the president stated.

General Augusto Heleno mentioned the importance of the Arab community in Brazil. “The Arab community is extremely large in Brazil. Our balance of trade with the Arab community is valuable to us will not be affected. We want to preserve this connection.”


Bolsonaro talked about partnerships and deals inked during his trip to Israel, referencing chiefly the measures to be developed for science and technology, agriculture, and fish farming. Among the priorities, he said, are the implementation of desalination technology and the generation of water in underserved areas.

He said Israel offered 20 machines similar to air conditioners capable of “producing water.” The machinery, the president pointed out, requires little energy use and is capable of producing water from the air.

Translation: Fabrício Ferreira -  Edition: Juliana Andrade / Augusto Queiroz

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