UK shows support for Brazil’s OECD admission

“The United Kingdom vehemently supports Brazil’s entry into the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). This is an international process of great importance, especially at this moment, when multilateral institutions are being increasingly challenged.”
The statement was made by British ambassador to Brazil Vijay Rangarajan, who believes “it has been fantastic to work with the Brazilian government helping implement its acess to the OECD. This is one of the deepest changes for both the OECD and Brazil at the moment. These reforms are not always easy, but this commitment has brought clear progress. Our interest of working more and more with Brazil is constant,” he stated.
Rangarajan spoke at the Queen’s Birthday Party, held at the British embassy in Brasília on Monday (Jun 18) to celebrate the life of Queen Elizabeth II.
Long-lasting monarchy and pop music
Elizabeth II’s 67 years on the British throne make her the monarch to have ruled a country for the longest time. She is the only British head of state to have had a Sapphire Jubilee, in 2017, which marked her 65th year with the crown. During her rule, she saw the work of 13 prime ministers and eight popes. She was the first queen to have a crowning ceremony aired worldwide, the first to send an e-mail, to post a tweet, and a picture on Instagram.
In addition to the queen’s 93rd birthday, the party held in Brasília celebrated the popularity of British music. With such iconic bands as the Rolling Stones, the Beatles, Dire Straits, and the Police and artists like Amy Winehouse, Sting, Eric Clapton, and Elton John, the UK produced some of the most popular names in the history of music.
Passion for music is a trait shared by Brazil and the UK. “Music is a passion for our people and also one of the ways we can bring ourselves closer together. We feel that these names have left a mark on the world and we know this influence is very strong in Brazil,” Rangarajan declared.
Brexit and Venezuela
Regarding Brexit, the ambassador said Great Britain “is certainly before a complex domestic policy. Regardless of when or how we will leave the European Union, the United Kingdom will further open trade and investment in the markets, with common rules and high standards, in the best interest of mutual prosperity.”
On Venezuela, the British ambassador, who was in Roraima state last month and visited the Venezuelan border in the town of Pacaraima, said he had a chance to see “first-hand the excellent work of the Brazilian army in Operation Acolhida with the UN.”
The degree of integration and harmony in providing support for refugees, he went on to say, “is impressive. Brazilians should be proud of what’s being done. There are lessons about crisis management here the whole world could learn from. But, of course, challenges linger, in health care, the resettlement [of immigrants], and in fining a political solution that can restore peace and democracy in Venezuela. The United Kingdom supports Brazil in making this happen.”
Climate change
Another topic mentioned by the ambassador in his address was the global challenge of climate change. “The United Kingdom vehemently supports the international work going on in this front. We want to host the COP 26—the United Nations Conference of the Parties—next year by presiding over the event in the UK, in partnership with Italy.”
The UK, he said, “is the first G7 economy to aim for the zero-carbon target by 2050—something that’s been legislated on and added as law in the country.”
He described Brazil as a “crucial partner” in climate-related efforts. “The forces of the Brazilian energy and agriculture sectors are clear to be seen, just as the strategies developed by Embrapa to administer an economy less and less carbon-based, bringing real competitiveness to the country. Surely Brazil’s significant diplomatic role will be essential to any final deal on climate.”