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After academic backlash, government gives up science budget cut

The government has restored the budget appropriation for science to
Heloisa Cristaldo reports from Agência Brasil
Published on 17/01/2017 - 10:04
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After academic mobilisation to restore the budget for science, Brazil's federal government has changed back to the $527 million annual budget of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications (MCTIC).

The retreat, signed by Federal Budget Secretary George Soares of the Ministry of Planning, was published Monday (Jan 16).

Helena Nader, president of the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science (SBPC), told Agência Brasil that “it's been a tough battle. We haven't won—[the money] has been committed through a decree, but we'll have to keep a watch to make sure these funds won't be withheld.”

In practice, the government's decision has restored the budget appropriation for science to its originally planned level, with funds from the National Treasury that had been written off as the Federal Budget was voted in Congress. At the news of the cuts the SBPC and the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC) circulated a manifesto signed by nine other science bodies, warning about the potential consequences of the funding cuts. A petition created by these agencies garnered more than 26,000 signatures.

Nader explained there had been agitation in the academia since a bill capping government expenditure for 20 years was passed. “MCTIC has been at its worst in recent years,” the scientist said.

She pointed out the amount the government gave up cutting is “not what Brazil needs if it wants to be a strong, technologically independent nation, but it keeps our basic science infrastructure going. We're just glad they did it,” she said.

The ministry says the measure is effective immediately. The restored funds will be used for paying scholarships and grants for January and February, as well as some of the ministry's management costs. Minister Gilberto Kassab said the government's decision is a “tribute to the scientific community.”

Translated by Mayra Borges

Fonte: After academic backlash, government gives up science budget cut