Aécio Neves backed by PSB, PV, PSC for presidential runoff

he Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB) decided to express its support for presidential candidate Aécio Neves
The Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB) decided to express its support for presidential candidate Aécio Neves (of the Brazilian Social Democracy Party, PSDB) in the second-round runoff. After a meeting that lasted nearly three hours, 22 members of its national executive committee voted for Neves, seven for neutrality, and only one for incumbent Dilma Rousseff.
PSB was the head of the coalition who launched Marina Silvas as a presidential hopeful. She ranked third after the vote count.
The Social Christian Party (PSC) and the Green Party (PV) also endorsed Aécio Neves on Wednesday (Oct 8). Former rivals in the presidential race, PSC's Pastor Everaldo and PV's Eduardo Jorge were defeated in the first round last Sunday.
Eduardo Jorge noted that the decision to back Aécio Neves was made by him and his party after comparing government agendas—and sustainable development was crucial, he said. Jorge further stressed that he did not ask for anything in exchange for support, adding, “All we're asking is that the candidate places Brazil on the path to sustainable development.”
Pastor Everaldo, on his part, declared that Aécio Neves “represents the true change the country is in need of,” highlighting PSDB's pledge to keep the Bolsa Família (“Family Allowance”) program, aimed at the distribution of income among the most impoverished section of the population.
During a interview with journalists, Aécio Neves said that, if elected, on Oct. 26, he will focus his administration on the poorer social classes. “I'll be the president of all Brazilians, especially those most in need of measures from the State. I'll be the president of the poorer Brazilians. I'll be president for all,” he emphasized.
Aécio further said he expects the campaign ahead of the second round is based on the presentation of ideas for improving the country. “I don't deal with my adversary as if [she] were an enemy to be stricken down at any cost. I'm taking part in a political campaign, not a war. I want to present proposals. I'd like to invite the president to conduct a high-level campaign, where she's able to say what she thinks about Brazil, where she's given the chance to how she'll make the economy grow and curb inflation.”
The wannabe president from PSDB mentioned his interest in being supported by Marina Silva, who ranked third in the first-round polls. “I thank all the [parties who have expressed their support]. Now I want them on this march, and let's wait so that the other candidates and parties take their time to make their decision,” he concluded.
Translated by Fabrício Ferreira
Fonte: Aécio Neves backed by PSB, PV, PSC for presidential runoff