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PMDB splits with Rousseff's government coalition

The announcement was made by the party's vice-president, Senator
Iolando Lourenço reports from Agência Brasil
Published on 29/03/2016 - 16:17
Brasília - Em reunião na Câmara dos Deputados, o Diretório  Nacional do PMDB deixou a base aliada do governo da presidenta Dilma Rousseff  (Fabio Rodrigues Pozzebom/Agência Brasil)
© Fabio Rodrigues Pozzebom/Agência Brasil
Brasília - Em reunião na Câmara dos Deputados, o Diretório Nacional do PMDB deixou a base aliada do governo da presidenta Dilma Rousseff (Fabio Rodrigues Pozzebom/Agência Brasil)

PMDB's national office decided Tuesday (Mar. 29) by acclamation to leave President Dilma Rousseff's coalition. Fabio Rodrigues Pozzebom/Agência Brasil

PMDB's national office decided Tuesday (Mar. 29) by acclamation to leave President Dilma Rousseff's coalition. The announcement was made by Senator Romero Jucá, the party's vice-president.

The PMDB also decided that the ministers in the party should quit the posts they currently occupy.

Over 100 members of the party's took part in the meeting in which the decision was made.

Translated by Fabrício Ferreira

Fonte: PMDB splits with Rousseff's government coalition